ADIS Question Paper || MSBTE solved question paper for ADIS exam 2022


Solved Question paper for ADIS exam.

This article is published for those students who are going to appear in MSBTE approved one year ADIS course exam 2022. This article contains time table and solved question paper for ADIS.

We have tried to guide you from this article, we have shared question and answers based on Previous question paper of Advanced diploma in industrial safety management.

ADIS is one-year safety courses approved from State board of technical education.


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MSBTE question paper 2022 / ADIS solved question paper                 



To qualify ADIS (one-year safety course from MSBTE) you will need to appear in eight theoretical Exam paper.

1. Attempt any FIVE of the following:                                                                20 Marks

  1.         What are the functions and responsibilities of organization for safety?
  2.         Write the Difference between education and training.
  3.         Mentioned what are the different types of Training.
  4.         Write key features of a health & safety policy.
  5.         Computer software application and its limitations.
  6.         Explain the structure and functions of safety committee.
  7.        Explain line function and staff function

Answer -1

a.        Following are the function and responsibilities of organization safety.

1.       Top Management: Company Board & Managing Director & Occupier is the top management. They decide the safety policy and objectives and monitor its implementation.

2.       Occupier: occupier is a person who has got ultimate responsibility on the affairs of safety, health & environment, he has signed the HSE policy.

3.       Middle management: Safety department & other department. Safety HOD or safety department Chief executive or MD. For the application of safety arrangements other departments are answerable to safety department.  

4.       Plant head: Plant head of the plant has to implement HSE policy in his plant which have been signed by occupier.

5.       Safety in charge: He will lead the safety officers.

6.       Safety officers: They communicate and prepare the plan to implement HSE policy in their unit.

Answer - 2                                         

ADIS solved question paper 2022

b.     Difference between Education and Training.

Education: Broadening of knowledge      -     Training: Development of skill in performance.

By education we can develop awareness of                 By training we can develop person’s skill in use

Correcting unsafe condition and acts that                    of safe work techniques and practices, it is a

Might lead to injury.                                                          Detailed extension of the education applied

                                                                                              To specific product, activities and services.

Answer - 3

c.       Different types of training are.

General training

1.       Induction training for new employees.

2.       On – going safety training.

3.       Safety representative training.

4.       Senior/middle management training.

5.       Supervisors training.

6.       Directors training.

7.       Safety techniques – Audit, risk analysis.

8.       Safety Work permit system.

Special training

1.       HIRA

2.       FIRST AID

3.       Emergency preparedness & response.

4.       PPE

5.       Fire fighting

6.       Safety inspection & BBS

7.       On – The job training for newcomer

8.       Hazop study

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Answer - 4

d.      Key features of SHE policy are the following:


1.       Health and safety aims and objective of the organization.

2.       Health and safety responsibilities and their duties.

3.       Arrangements for achieving SHE policy target.

4.       Arrangements for welfare of employees.


Answer  - 5                               solved question paper for advanced diploma in industrial safety

e.      Computer software application and its limitations.

Applications (advantages of Computer software)

1.       Ready availability of data and easy to store.

2.       Elimination of manual labor.

3.       No need to keep duplicate records.

4.       Reducing files and storage space.

5.       Improved communication with neat & clean copies, easily shared with electronic mail system.

6.       Cost saving by increasing employee’s productivity.

Limitation (disadvantages of computer software)

1.       According to circumstances, need of computer always not justified.

2.       One mistake can be circulated reparative if not corrected.

3.       A virus can wash out all records.

4.       Increase unemployment.


2. Attempt any TWO of the following:                                                        16 Marks

  1. Explain Tool Box Talk? Give one example.
  2. Define Behavior Based safety.
  3. Define the need of accident prevention.

Answer - 1

a.       Tool box talk with example.

Tool box talk are a way to ensure all workers are participating in safety activities, it is a two-way communication in which supervisors and workers share and discuss about hazards/control measures and previous mistakes, accident and incidents related to their work.

  • There are various topics for tool box talk which we can discuss in tool box talk such as.
  • Any changes to company procedures.
  • New hazards associated with work.
  • Reasons for previous accident and incidents.
  •  New work methods.
  •  New equipment introduced.

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b.      Behavior based safety.

Behavior based safety (BBS) focused on ‘what people do, analyses why they do it, and then applies a effective strategy to improve what people do.

Circle of BBS.

  • Identify critical behavior.
  •  Gather data.
  • Provide feedback.
  •  Use data to remove barrier.

Benefits of BBS

  •  Enhance reporting
  •  Increased hazard identification.
  • gathered is used to develop trend.


3. Attempt any FOUR of the following:                                                                        16 Marks

  1.           Mention role of supervisor in EHS.
  2.           Write role of workers in EHS.
  3.           Justify “Computers play a major role in Training.”
  4.           What are the Elements of training cycle?
  5.          Write down the different training methods & strategies.

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Answers - 1      advanced diploma in industrial safety management from MSBTE question paper 2022

a.       Following are the role of supervisor in EHS.


  •          Ensure the health and safety of all workmen under your direct supervision.
  •          Know the workplace safety requirements that apply to the work.
  •          Ensure workers under your supervision are aware all health and safety hazards related to their        work.
  •          Provide training to new workmen.
  •          Consult and cooperate with occupational health and safety committee member.
  •          Ensure all PPEs are appropriate for workmen.
  •          Investigate unsafe condition and act.
  •          Learn more about accident prevention and investigation.

b.     Answer - 2

Following are the roles and responsibilities of workmen in EHS 

  •          Understand workplace health and safety requirements.
  •          Inspect equipment’s and workplace regularly.
  •          Be alert for hazards.
  •          Report incident, unsafe condition immediately to your supervisor.
  •          Follow safe work procedures.
  •          Cooperate with others on matter related to health and safety.


c.       Answer - 3

Computers play a major role in Training.

Computer uses is very effective for online training communication.

·         Accident recording & analysis software programme: lots of accident data in the computer received from the companies. We can get analysis report as per our requirement, i.e. weekly, monthly, yearly.

·         These analysis reports can be used by safety department for taking action to reduce such type of accidents in their organization.

·         Video clips of emergency response can be run on the computer at the entrance gate for the knowledge of visitors.

·         Safety training can be provided by safety training PPTs and modules with audio and video.

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Answer - 4

d.      Element of training cycle.

As per OSHA seven steps are suggested to complete a training cycle.

  •    Determine if training is needed.
  •   Identify training needs.
  •    Identify the goals and objectives.
  •    Design & develop training program.
  •    Conduct the training.
  •   Evaluate training effectiveness.
  •    Improve the training.

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4. Attempt any FOUR of the following:                                                                            16 Marks.

  1.             Explain in details about planning for safety.
  2.            What is safety kaizen? Explain how safety kaizen promotes employee participation in EHS.
  3.            Explain in detail about “cost of an accident”.
  4.            List out the theories of motivation and their application to safety.
  5.            List out the causes of behavior changes in organizations.

5. Attempt any FOUR:                                      16 Marks.

  1.            Explain the role of trade union.
  2.            Explain (i) Safety Kaizen (ii) One point lessons.
  3.            Explain management by objectives & it’s role in safety.
  4.            Explain the structure and function of safety committee.
  5.            Explain the concept – ‘Motivation plays vital role in improving safety.’
  6.            Explain the role of supervisor in Accident prevention.
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