Accident Frequency Rate: Severity Rate: Incidence Rate Formula: IS.3786.1983

Accident Frequency Rate: Severity Rate: Incidence Rate Formula: IS.3786.1983

In this blog post we will learn to calculate industrial accident frequency rate, accident severity rate & incidence rate, there are various formula but here we will know the formula based on IS.3786.1983.

Purpose to calculate Accident Frequency Rate, Severity Rate & Incidence Rate.

These calculations and data shows the organisation safety implementations, these calculated data shows safety performance of an organisation, if the accident rate, frequency rate and incidence rate of an organisation is low it means organisation is performing good in field of safety.

How to calculate Accident Frequency Rate 

1. What is Accident Frequency Rate?

Frequency rate means the number of people injured over a year for each 1 000 000 hours worked by a group workers or Employees within an organisation.

There are Two Formula to calculate Accident frequency rate.

a. Frequency rate = Number of lost time injury × 1 000 000 / Man - hours worked 

b. Frequency rate = Number of Reportable lost time injury × 1 000 000 / Man - hours worked 



How to calculate Accident Severity Rate 

2. Accident Severity Rate Formula.

Companies use severity rate to measure how serious the injury sustained in a period of time by a group of employees.

Accident frequency rate can be calculated by these two formula: -

a. Severity rate = Man days lost due to lost time injury × 1 000 000 / Man - hours worked

b. Severity rate =  Man days Reportable lost due to lost time injury × 1 000 000 / Man - hours worked


Accident Frequency Rate: Severity Rate: Incidence Rate Formula: IS.3786.1983

How to calculate Incident rate

3. Incidence Rate

Number of injuries per 1000 person employed.

Incidence rate can be calculated by these two formula.

Accident Frequency Rate: Severity Rate: Incidence Rate Formula: IS.3786.1983


Accident Frequency Rate: Severity Rate: Incidence Rate Formula: IS.3786.1983

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