NEBOSH IGC Solved Question paper - (Open Book Exam) | Nebosh Igc Question Paper.


NEBOSH IGC Exam Solved Question paper February 2022. (Open Book Exam)


NEBOSH is a widely recognized Health and Safety certification. The NEBOSH IGC Certificate widely known for enhancing and get world class knowledge of Health and Safety, among Safety professionals and as well as Supervisors/Managers. NEBOSH IGC certification indicates that a person or employee who have awarded IGC certification Is compatible and having sufficient knowledge to manage health and safety at workplace. After Covid-19 pandemic NEBOSH has started Online classes and exam which is known as OPEN BOOK EXAMINATION. But you need not to worry, in this article I will guide you how to pass in NEBOSH OBE in your first attempt. NEBOSH IGC Exam Solved Question paper February 2022. (Open Book Exam)

 NEBOSH Igc Question paper

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NEBOSH IGC Solved Question Paper 

NEBOSH IGC Exam Solved Question paper February 2022. (Open Book Exam)

About NEBOSH IGC question paper.

Before going for NEBOSH IGC exam you need to understand the pattern of IGC exam and NEBOSH question paper. In NEBOSH IGC open book examination there are two papers to qualify NEBOSH IGC here we are going to know about first paper. Now a days NEBOSH have released the scenario based question paper. In IGC question paper you will see a scenario (story) of any organization/workplace. Question paper will be of Hundred Marks.


How to Solve NEBOSH IGC OBE question paper.

After getting NEBOSH IGC question paper you have read the scenario first. Read the complete scenario and take sufficient time to understand the scenario completely. You have to answer the question paper based on scenario. Total number of question will me maximum ten.


How to score good marks in NEBOSH IGC OBE

You have to complete all the question in 3000 (Three thousand) words, it means for one marks you have to write thirty words. Remember to pass the NEBOSH IGC exam you have to score minimum forty marks.


NEBOSH IGC Exam Solved Question paper February 2022. (Open Book Exam)

SCENARIO – Read the scenario first.

There is a car showroom on the border of the town, people visit show room to buy the new cars also some time old ones. Management at car showroom is highly focused on selling more cars to achieve their target. The workmen at showroom receive large bonus on selling more cars. Head of the sales are responsible for selling more cars.

The head of sells has 10 years of working experience at the showroom. To sell more cars employees at showroom skip the safety. The same attitude followed top to bottom line. Every sales person is free to do any work method to achieve their sell target as a result a 17-years young apprentice try to fit in the group. Young apprentice used fire extinguisher to wake up a sales supervisor, the sales supervisor also behaved normal and react in such a comic way that the misusing safety equipment I just a jock.

There is a senior salesperson who is aware about the safety rules, he has noticed many time that young apprentice is using mobile phone while driving although warning sign (do not use phone while driving) is displayed. They think some of this due to lack of training and supervision.  In previous days many incidents have occurred but there is no any record of it.

In the last 12 years, only one fire incident recorded but that was a false alarm raised by a child who has pressed the fire call point by mistake.  The sales supervisor had played the role of fire marshal and evacuated the people to the assembly point, which was nominated in the emergency procedure. At that time no workmen were aware that what they have to do in such type of emergency. NEBOSH IGC Solved Question paper.

The senior sales supervisor shared the safety concerns about fire drill and training, but management replied the overall fire risk is low and there is no need of fire drill, they finish the conversation by pointing out that all the fire action notices around the building are not to just there for the benefits of visitors, but to help protect people and to satisfy insures to.

The responsibilities of health and safety at car showroom is to the head of the sells department, but they have no any experience and training to fulfil this role. The senior sales supervisor has told many time to MD that one accident can wiped all profits of selling cars because they are trying to achieve their sell target on cost of safety. NEBOSH IGC Solved Question paper.

Same day, in the afternoon, the sales supervisor asks the apprentice to park the car from showroom to the parking area. Young apprentice started the car for parking in parking area, when the car was at entry gate on concrete hard standing he picked the call and tried to get out of his car while speaking on phone, suddenly he failed on the concrete hard standing because seat belt was not fully detached, he tried to control himself by one hand due to this he got injured. After that he stand and act like nothing is happened, after that sells supervisor run to him, they visited a nearest hospital where a small wrist fractured confirmed by X-ray. Both the sales supervisor and young apprentice decided to keep that matter secrete within two of them.

The Sales Supervisor talks to the apprentice and advises them to say that they fell off a bike at home should anyone ask. The apprentice agrees and does not see this as a problem. They are put on light duties until further notice. The senior salesperson is suspicious, and later takes the apprentice aside and informs them about the implications of accidents at work - NEBOSH IGC Solved Question paper.




NEBOSH IGC Exam Solved Question paper with answer February 2022. (Open Book Exam)

 (Complete solved question – answer pdf is given at the last of the article)

Task 1: The influence of peers 1 Comment on the influence of peers on health and safety at the car showroom. (10)

Safety culture of any organization can be negative and positive by the influence of peer groups. if the majority of people in a group do unsafe practices, then rest of people also do wrong practices by influence and pressure of groups. In this car showroom scenario, it is mentioned that the MD, head of sales as well as the sales supervisors are more concerned for the increase in sales by ignoring the health and safety issues. At the car showroom peer pressure seems negative. Following are the examples which can prove that the peer pressure affects negatively on the safety culture at the car showroom -


·         To receive large financial bonuses by top management, workers at car shoe room including MD, Sales supervisors are more focusing on achieving great target of selling cars by neglecting the concern of health and safety which need to be focus at the car showroom. 


·         17-years-old sales apprentice was using phone while driving, warning sign board (do not use phone while driving) is displayed but he ignored and the no sales supervisor even warned or suggest not to use phone while driving.

 NEBOSH IGC Solved Question paper.


·         17-years-old sales apprentice used fire extinguisher to wake up sales supervisor, by knowing that this is unsafe behavior sales supervisor take it as a comic and very lightly, sales supervisor seems encouraging 17-old-sales apprentice by ignoring his horse play at car showroom.


Task 2: Emergency procedures

 (a) What are the positive points about fire safety arrangements at the car showroom? (5)

(b) What are the negative points about fire safety arrangements at the car showroom? (10)

(c) Why is it important to practice emergency procedures? (5)

(a) Following are the positive points about fire safety arrangements at the car showroom-


·    Fire extinguisher provided my management and kept at car showroom to use in case of fire.


·    There is numerous manual fire call point installed with proper instruction (‘Break glass and press here’) within the car showroom, which can be used to raise an alarm in case of fire.


·    On getting fire alarm, the sales supervisor assumed the role of fire marshal and escorted all untrained visitors & workers to the assembly point, although the alarm was false, but the sales supervisor played active role to save the peoples within the car showroom.


As mentioned in the scenario there was a written emergency procedure and an assembly point was nominated in the written emergency procedure. 

(b) Following are the negative points about fire safety arrangements at the car showroom - Nebosh igc question paper.


·    Training on fire safety equipment not provided to venerable workers, at car showroom 17- years - old sales apprentice found using fire extinguisher to wake-up the sales supervisor who was sleeping during his break. 


·     No fire marshal was appointed to carry out fire evacuation, due to which the sales supervisor played the role of fire marshal on getting fire alarm.


·    There is written emergency procedure but it seems ineffective as during fire call no workers even know what they are doing and what is going on which shows the management failure.


·    Testing of emergency procedure not carried out to examine that the plan is accurate, practicable and complete as at car showroom evacuation testing not done.


·    In car showroom there is no proper incident reporting system, as in last 12 years only one fire related incident reported which was a false alarm.


(c) Following are the reasons for the importance of practicing the emergency procedure –


·    To make the workers aware how to react whenever any emergency occurs within the organization as it is mentioned in the scenario that during fire emergency no even any worker knew what they are doing.


·    To check the effectiveness of the emergency procedure and preparedness of workers during the emergency.


·    To make aware of every one’s roles and responsibilities as per the prepared emergency procedure which will help to carry out evacuation process and rescue successfully.


To identify the possible risk and error and update/review the emergency procedure to increase the effectiveness of procedure.


Task 3: Accident reporting - Nebosh igc question paper

3 Within a workplace there are formal procedures for reporting accidents.

(a) Comment on the Sales Supervisor’s approach to reporting the apprentice’s accident? (5)

(b) How should the apprentice’s accident be reported by the employer? (5)


(a) sales supervisor’s approach to reporting the apprentice’s accident was very negative because-



·         Every incident/accident must be reported to top management and external authority but in this scenario sales supervisor hided the accident which reflects the negative safety culture of the car showroom.


·         in the car showroom there is habit of not reporting the accident as sales supervisor and young apprentice haven’t reported the accident.


·         If such accidents will not be reported and found by the legal authority, it is possible that company will face trouble due to legal action by legal authority.


·         By hiding and not reporting the accident, sales supervisor is inviting similar accident in future which shows the negative approach of sales supervisor in reporting accident.


Sales supervisor killing the chance to improve health and safety in car showroom by not reporting accident, if he reports the accident

(b) The apprentice’s accident should be reported by employer in following manner-


·  The accident to be reported to external authority (law enforcement agency). Employer can inform them through email and by sending company’s representative to the external authority office.


·  The accident should must be reported to safety representatives. in the car showroom HOS have the responsibility of day to day safety so accident should be reported to HOS by sales supervisor.


·  The accident should be informed and reported to victim family by sending email and phone call.


·  Employer should report the accident to competent authority through email so that they can carry out the accident investigation.


Employer should inform the accident to insurance companies through email and by sending company representative to insurance office for claim purpose


Task 4: The legal reasons for health and safety management

 What are the legal reasons why health and safety should be managed at the car showroom? (10)

Following are the legal reason why health and safety should be managed at car showroom-

 Nebosh Igc Question Paper

·    As per ILO Convention C155 and Recommendation R164 the employer legally bound to take care of all his employees’ health and safety during work within the organisation, employer have to insure that work are safe and no risk to employee’s health. Employer also have to encourage safe working practices, provide safe work equipment and adequate training.


·    To prevent from enforcement agency, as mentioned in ILO - Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981 (C-155) if employer failed to comply legal requirements of H&S rules in the organisation enforcement agency can take legal action.


·      To avoid prosecution in criminal court by enforcement agencies as a result of accident.


·    To prevent improvement notice or prohibition notice from enforcement agencies, because after accident enforcement agency representatives may visit the car showroom.


·    To prevent legal authority to withdrawal approval, if safety rules found breaches during accident investigation after any accident approvals can be withdrawal.


·     To protect from varying licences, after accident licences can be cancelled and work will also can hold.


Task 5: Workers’ responsibilities in the workplace

It is likely that the injured apprentice may have contravened some of their responsibilities as a worker within International Labour Organisation Convention C155 – Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981 (No.155) Article 19 and associated Recommendation R164 – Occupational Safety and Health Recommendation, 1981 (No.164) recommendation 16.

Comment on the extent to which Article 19 of C155 and recommendation 16 of R164 may have been contravened. (10)

As per ILO C155 and R164 following workers’ responsibilities contravened by workers-


As per ILO C155, Article 19.


·  (a). its worker’s responsibilities to co-operate in the fulfilment by their employer of the obligation placed upon him during performing the work but in the scenario 17-years-young found not following safety rules by using phone while driving even there is warning sign displayed not to use phone while driving.


·  (b). representatives of workers in the undertaking co-operate with the employer in the field of occupational health and safety but in the scenario sales supervisor ignored the risk of fire within in the car showroom.


·  (d). workers and their representative in an undertaking are given appropriate training but in car showroom appropriate training have not provided as it is right of worker to get proper training.


As per Recommendation R164, article 16.


·    (a). workers are responsible to take reasonable care of their own safety and also of other who may be affected by their work, but in sales supervisor found ignoring risk of fire in the showroom which can affect him as well as others.


·    (b). workers have to follow instruction regarding health and safety at workplace but young sales apprentice found using phone while driving although warning sign not to use phone while driving displayed at car showroom.


·    (c). workers have to use safety devices correctly and do not render then inoperative as mentioned in the scenario 17-years-young sales apprentice found using fire extinguisher to wake up the sales supervisor which is misuse of safety equipment’s.



Task 6: Near misses 

It is often a matter of chance that a near miss turns into an accident. How could investigation of the previous near misses have helped prevent this accident? (10)

In the scenario senior sales supervisor had raised the concern that previous minor incident been not taken seriously which can result accident in future also, flowing are the reasons which could help to prevent this accident if near miss was investigated-


·  Investigating near miss will help to identify the root cause of incident which can be treated as a learning opportunity.


·  It will help to identify corrective action once the reason identified to prevent such near miss/incident in future.


·  Investigation of incident is a legal reason and legal compliances as per MHSWR 1999, regulation 5.


·  To gather the information from near miss investigation which can help to reduce the risk of accident.


·  In scenario accident happened due to using mobile phone while driving and not following instruction that is a human error, if any near miss was investigated this type of safety violation could be identified which help to know the importance of safety instruction.


·  By investigating incident we can find root cause, as young sales supervisor was using phone while driving was immediate cause but root cause was that proper training was not provided for venerable workers. So by providing appropriate training accident can be prevented.


·  By investigation of incident or near miss reasons behind incident can be eliminated to prevent such type of incident in future.



Task 7: Health and safety culture 

What appear to be the negative indicators of health and safety culture at the car showroom? (20)

Following are the negative indicator of health and safety culture at car showroom-


·    Frequent accidents/near miss: as we observed in the scenario that senior sales supervisor has observed many near miss and accident at car showroom which is the negative indicator of H&S.


·    Excessive work load: Achieving sales target for receiving financial bonuses are given more priority than health and safety concern at car showroom.


·    Top management not committed toward health and safety: as top management feel that there is low risk of fire in car showroom although cars are petrol engine type due to which there is high risk of fire.


·    Managing director (top management) not dedicated toward health and safety at car showroom as he visits showroom occasionally.


·     Workers do not comply with safety compliances and not following safety instruction as young sales apprentice playing with fire extinguisher and using phone while driving.


·    Proper and adequate training not provided to employees working at car showroom as management not considered training as important.


·    Negative attitude to ignoring the complaints: as in scenario senior sales person speaks about safety concern to sales supervisor but he ignored.


·    There is negative peer pressure: in car showroom safety behaviour not appreciated and senior sales supervisor feel pressure to fit in the group.


·    No incident reporting: near miss and accidents are happening frequently but no one reports the near miss/incident which shows negative culture of car showroom.


·    No frequent training and practice of mock drill: management feels that there is low chance of fire so frequent training and mock drill is not required.

 Nenosh igc solved question paper.

Nebosh igc question & answers.


Task 8: Health and safety management roles and responsibilities 

It is important that everyone in the organisation knows their health and safety roles and responsibilities.

Comment on the effectiveness of roles and responsibilities in relation to health and safety management in the car showroom. (10

It’s an employer’s duty to do whatever is reasonably practicable to take care of health & safety of workers within the organization. Employer have to make sure that the work process within the organization is safe to carry out the activities without harming any employee.


As per health and safety low employer have to carry out risk assessment to access the risk in the work process to minimize or eliminate the risk of harm.

 Nebosh Igc question paper

Following are the roles and responsibility of the management in relation to health and safety in the car showroom.


·    Develop safety policies and procedures: the management should develop health and safety policy regarding health and safety and implement at work site and ensure that employees are comply with health and safety rules.


·    Training for the employees: proper and effective training should be provided regarding health and safety and the activities which are being carried out in the cars showroom.


·    Develop proper procedure for incident reporting: as mentioned in the scenario no near miss and accident was being reported from last 12 years which create the negative safety culture.


·    Safety inspection, audit and tour: frequent safety inspection, audit and tour to be done by employer to find out the health and safety issues in the car show room by which safety issues can be controlled and prevented by suitable control measures.


·    Welcome and respond to complaints: as in scenario senior sales person raised compliant on health and safety concern but it was ignored by the management, so management should develop culture and procedure to listen the complaints and make employees aware to report any safety concern.


·    Manage emergency procedure: management should mange emergency procedure by frequent mock drill, practicing emergency procedure and by reviewing emergency procedure time to time.

Nebosh Igc Element 1

·    Responsibility of health and safety to be execute by experience and trained person as mention in the scenario HOS have the overall responsibility of day to day health and safety in the car showroom even they are not trained. Nebosh Igc Question paper


                                                   NEBOSH IGC Question paper


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