Radiography Safety Officer (RSO) Interview Questions and Answers
1. Who is RSO - Radiography Safety Officer?
Radiography Safety Officer - RSO is a professional who ensures the safety of radiographers and workmen who are involve in radiography test or working near RT equipment.
2. What is Industrial Radiography Test (RT)?
Industrial radiography is a non-destructive testing (NDT) of pipes, to ensure the quality and durability of the metals.
By radiography test we can check defects in metal pipes such as cracks, porosity, inclusion, pincholes.
By radiography camera we can get information of metals inner part by just taking the picture without breaking or cutting the pipes
The industrial radiography devices are commonly called as cameras, they are either Gamma cameras or X-ray cameras.
Radio radiography test is generally for old metal pipes for pipes which are welded.
Radiography Test safety officer interview questions
3.What are the hazards in radiography test?
Hazards of Radiography Test
Exposure of radiation during radiographic test for a long period of time is very dangerous.
Following are the consequences of radiation exposure for a long period time:-
- Loss of hair.
- Skin burn.
- Cancer.
- Fatality.
Unauthorized entry during radiographic test and uncertified radiographer is also hazard during radiography.
4.Safety precautions for radiography test?
Radiation safety officer have to ensure following safety points before starting the radiography test:-
- Valid work permit.
- Job safety analysis or risk assessment.
- Valid licence of the radioactive sources.
- Calibration certificate of survey and Dosimeter meter.
- Third party qualification certificate of radiographers, certificate must be valid from national radiation protection board.
- Medical and vision test record.
- Decay chart.
- Transport vehicles must be approved by Federal authority for nuclear regulation.
RSO Interview Questions and Answers
5. What is the unit of measuring radiation during radiography test?
Curie (Ci), Micro sievert or milli rem.
6. What is survey meter or Geiger meter?
Survey meter is a device use to measure radiation or to find the safe distance from radio active sources.
Radiography Test hazards and safety precautions
7. What is Dosimeter?
Dosimeter is a device use to measure the intake dose of radiation by radiographer.
8. How much radiation a radiographer can bear safely in one year?
20 msv per year.
9. What is Decay chart?
It is a chart showing the changes in radioactivity of a source for a period of a time.
10. What is safe limit of radiation for radiographer during RT or NDT?
2.5 micro sievert per hour
11. What is safe limit of radiation for general public during RT or NDT?
2.5 micro sievert per hour for 8 hours.
12. What is film badge?
Film badge is a device worn by radiographer to measure the radiation dose for one month.
13. What is Isotope?
Isotopes means one or more types of atom which have different
mass number but same atomic number.
Example - Tritium & Protium
Isotopes are hazards because they release uncontrolled energy in the form of radiation waves which can cause cancer or damage to living tissue.
Radiography Test
Radiography Test safety precautions
RSO Interview Questions
Radiography Test safety officer interview questions