IS 17893 Work Permit System - Code of Practice 2023.

IS 17893 Work Permit System - Code of Practice 2023.

There are different work permit system follow by different companies which creates controversy and confusion among users, it is very difficult to remember all work permit system.

Permit to work as per IS 17893

To solve this problem and for the smooth functioning of work permit system, Bureau of India standard have launched new permit system called, IS 17893 Work Permit System - Code of Practice 2023.

Now this single work permit system will be followed by all companies which make easier for the users to use the permit in any organization or company.
IS 17893 _ 2023 (Work Permit System - Code of Practice) Pdf

IS 17893 Work Permit System - Code of Practice 2023
IS 17893 Work Permit System - Code of Practice 2023

What is Work Permit?

Work permit is a legal written document issued by an authorized person to carry out a specific job, at a fixed location for a sertain period of time with all necessary safety precautions.

Work permit as per IS 17893

IS 17893 Work Permit System - Code of Practice 2023.

1. Scope.
2. General procedure for work permit.
3. Details of work permit for different work (Types of work permit).
4. Formats of work permit.
5. Personal Protective Equipment.
6. Gas test.
7. Approvals.
8. Inter plant clearance.
9. Revalidation & renewals of work permit.
10. Closure & cancellation of work permit.
11. Audits of work permit.
12. Responsibilities.
13.Annexure - Permit template and instructions.

1.1 The work permit system - IS 17893 standard prescribed for the following work area.

Work permit is mandatory for following activities or you can say it types of work permit.

Types of work permit as per IS 17893 Work Permit System - Code of Practice 2023.

1. Cold Work Permit.
2. Hot Work Permit.
3. Confined Space Work Permit.
4. Excavation Work Permit.
5. Electrical Work Permit.
6. Work at Height Permit.
7. Radiography Work Permit.

Permit to work as per IS 17893

1.2 Work permit not required for following activities, as per this work permit system work permit may not applicable for following activities:-

1. Routine welding/cutting and maintenance/fabrication jobs inside central workshop, if client have alloted any specific area for workshop to any contractor, then permit will not mandatory.

2. Routine sampling if it is for laboratory analysis.

3. Any canteen related activities inside canteen area.

4. If any contractor is using torch, sparking equipments located inside laboratory.

5. Work permit not required for garbage collection from specified safe location inside plant area.

6. All cold work inside office building, control room also include.
Note:- Electrical isolation, work at height and excavation in office area can't be done without work permit.

7. Visual inspection by maintenance or by inspecting staff of rotation and static equipment in the plant.

8. Only verbal permission by shift in-charge is required for replacement of tube light rods Inside building.
Note:- Permit required for bulb replacement on road inside plant area.

9. Work permit not required for gardening related manual job such as grass cutting by hand cutters.
Note:- Grass cutting by power tools, climbing on trees and excavation more than 30 cm depth must be done by valid work permit.

IS 17893 _ 2023 (Work Permit System - Code of Practice)

2. General procedure for work permit.

2.4 As per IS 17893 Work Permit System - Code of Practice 2023 permit must have three copies, permit will be made in triplicate.

a). First copy of permit - The first copy will be with permit receiver or executor and it will be displayed at job location.
b). Second copy of permit - The second copy of permit will be with permit issuer for record purpose.
c). Third copy of permit - The third copy of permit will be with Safety department.

2.6 Before completing or filling the work permit, the receiver and permit issuer will jointly assess the job and made risk assessment and agree on specific job procedure, precautions required and PPE's to be used.


Work Permit System-Code of Practice

3.1.1 Cold Work is an activity, which is not likely to produce sufficient heat capable of igniting flammable Gases.

3.1.2 Examples of Cold work are as follows:

a) Erection/removal of scaffolding;

b) Insulation of equipment/pipelines;

c) Painting - All painting of equipment or pipelines or buildings at temperatures below 50 °C;

d) Routine instrument repairs/troubleshooting that do not involve process isolation or work on process trips;

e) Equipment greasing and lubrication;

f) Condition monitoring of rotary equipment;

g) Tests to be carried out by maintenance personnel or any other external agency

h) Work on equipment like DCS panel, UPS, invertors;

j) Excavation, digging, road cutting, removing soil, chipping and grading to a depth less than 30 cm deep, either using mechanical equipment or manually;

k) Work at height-any work at or above 1.8 m above ground level, where permanent platform and guard railing

m) Hydro-jetting;

n) Online sealing (only fermenting job-no drilling);

p) Sand blasting;

q) Use of portable electric tools and appliances in areas other than plant operating areas;

Work permit system as per IS 17893


Work Permit System-Code of Practices

3.2.1 Hot work is any type of work which produces heat/spark capable of igniting any flammable or combustible material.

3.2.2 Examples of hot work are as follows:

a) Welding, grinding, burning, soldering, brazing, blasting, gas cutting, chipping by spark-producing tools,open flames, 

b) Hacksaw cutting on equipment, line or vessel of hydrocarbon services;

c) Any equipment, line or vessel which contained any explosive, corrosive or toxic material

d) Use of Non-flame proof electrical equipment like cameras, mobile phones, non-intrinsically safe radio pagers, etc

e) On line leak sealing (if includes hot work like drilling, etc) in pipelines and equipment, hot tapping involving welding and drilling in pipelines, and pressure spray painting.


Work Permit System-Code of Practice

3.3.1 A confined space is defined as an area which is not designed for continuous human occupancy. It is large enough for a person to bodily enter in the area and perform the assigned work. It has got limited or restricted means for entry and exit and may or may not be enclosed.

3.3.3 Some of the examples of confined spaces are as follows:

a) Tanks, columns, reactors, oil/water sewer pits, coolers, condensers, reservoirs, pipe lines, tanker trucks, skirts of column and vessels, floating roof decks, ducts, pits, tunnels, etc; and

b) This also includes column skirts, large diameter pipelines, storage tanks, spheres,bullets, bins, silos, sumps, trenches, pits,sewers, furnaces, flare stacks, gas turbine chambers, underground service lines, work in open type vessel deeper than head level, boiler drums, surface condensers, flue ducts, Heating ventilation and air conditioning ducts, false ceilings and floors, deck of floating roof tank etc.

Work Permit System-Code of Practice

4,1.1 Job Particulars

e) The work permit must bear the person(s)/employee(s) name and designation with his department/discipline. No permit should be issued directly to the contractors;

4.1.4 Isolation/Blinding The process isolations can be achieved by the following methods:

a) By closing isolation valve tight shut and keeping drain/vent valve open between the equipment and isolation valve;

b) By closing the double block valves and keeping the in between bleed system open;

c) By closing isolation valve tight shut and inserting blind of same classification as the pipeline or the equipment;

d) By physical disconnection of pipelines attached to the equipment and blinding the open end (live end); and

e) By closing the motor operated valve (MOV) and isolating power supply to the drive motor of MOV. Isolation methods in item (a) and (b) are not reliable and should not be adopted for jobs involving hot work, entry into confined space/vessel and for the services of hazardous chemicals.

4.1.10 Use of Non-sparking Tools Required

To be ensured for the job on equipment/piping used for hydrocarbon service till it is totally decontaminated.


Work Permit System-Code of Practice

5.1 Hand Gloves

Persons are expected to use cotton hand gloves during any work activity for protection of hands from minor injuries.

5.4 Full Body Double Lifeline Safety Harness

Safety belt with lifeline is a fall arrest device. Only full body safety harness with double lifelines to be used. It is to be specified in case persons are required to work from a height of 1.8 m or above on unprotected surfaces/structures or fragile roofs.

5.7 Online air Breathing Apparatus

Jobs involving chemical vapors/dust must be done by wearing on line air mask.

5.8.3 Cartridge gas mask is not suitable for use in work environment deficient in oxygen or containing inert gases.

6.Gas test

Work Permit System-Code of Practice

6.1 Gas test for oxygen content, hydrocarbon content and toxic content (if vessel/tank used for chemicals, toxic in nature) are to be carried out by the permit issuer for carrying jobs covered under hot work and vessel entry, for entry into excavated pits and vehicle entry inside plant area. The name and time of the person-carrying test shall bel mentioned in the respective permits. It is proposed to carryout gas test for hydrocarbon content within 5.0 m radius of the work location for welding jobs (including drain channels (if any) and close to flange joints/valve glands of adjacent equipment).

6.2 Permissible Values of Gas Test Results

If any gas test indicates presence of flammable, toxic gas or vapor or oxygen deficiency, corrective

a) Oxygen content - Min 19.5 percent;

b) Hydrocarbon content [percent low exposure limit (LEL)]-Zero; and

c) Toxic content - Below threshold limit value (TLV) of the chemical for which the equipment/tanks being used.

6.3 Reporting of Gas Test results

6.3.1 The gas test should be done prior to issuance of work permit to the acceptor and be repeated just prior to starting of hot work, or confined space/vessel entry.

6.3.2 The results should be reported by plant personnel authorized by plant HOD/area in-charge.

6.3.3 As per the work conditions and the type of work being carried out, it is necessary to do the gas tests at regulara intervals. The issuer decides the frequency of testing and the type of gases to be tested.


Work Permit System-Code of Practice

7.2 Issuer

7.2.1 In operating plant areas the shift in-charge shall issue the permit for the area under his jurisdiction. For the jobs on pipelines the product/utility supplier shall initiate (issue) the permit if the work is to carried out up to the battery limit of receiving plant. Inside battery limit the receiving plant shall issue permit after confirming due safety precautions at suppliers end. The issuer is an employee of the company. No person can issue work permit to himself.

7.3 Executor

7.3.1 HODs from the maintenance, inspection,construction or any other engineering services departments can authorize personnel working under them to receive the permit. A list of employees who are authorized to receive permit shall be maintained in all plants/areas. The executor is an employee of the company. Prior to issue of work permit, the issuer and executor shall jointly inspect the job location and identify the requirements of job preparation and special PPE required for safe execution of the job.

precautions/PPE stipulated in the permit are complied with and safe procedures are followed. The responsibility for safe execution of the job lies with the acceptor of the permit. He ensures that all A toolbox talk (safety talk) has to be conducted by the acceptor to the contract workers prior to start of the job. The safety talk should emphasize the proper procedure for carrying out the job, identify any hazards involved and

the precautions to be taken.

7.4 Plant/Area in Charge

For (i) hot work and confined space permit, (ii) excavation permit, authorization of plant/area in charge is required. Employees working above the level of shift in charge in the plant/non plant areas and authorized by the plant HOD will sign as plant/area in charge. HOD himself can sign as plant/area in charge for authorizing these permits.

Work Permit System-Code of Practice

9.1 Validity of Work Permit

Permit shall be issued by initiator/issuer for the period till end of the shift only. In case if the job is not taken up or not completed within the same shift of issue of the permit, the permit must be renewed by endorsement of incoming shift-in-charge by incorporating/ensuring necessary changes/safety requirements. The executor shall sign and forward it to issuing authority for extension of the work permit.

9.2.5 All signing authorities must sign the permit for extension of the permit.

9.2.6 Validity of work permit (cold work), hot work, vessel entry permit and excavation permit shall be for seven days. Upon completion of seven days new permit is to be issued.

9.3 Gas Tests Before Revalidation and Renewal of Work Permit Necessary gas tests should be carried out at the time of revalidation/renewal of work permit.


Work Permit System-Code of Practices

10.1 Closure of Work Permit

10.1.1 The permit can be extended for a total of seven calendar days maximum. For work extending beyond seven days, a new work permit has to be issued after closing the present work permit. Also if there is a break in the work for more than one calendar day, a new permit has to be issued.

10.1.2 All signing authorities for approval must sign the permit for closure of the permit.

10.2 Cancellation of Work permit

10.2.1 Permit shall be cancelled under the following conditions: _a) Declaration of plant/site emergency situation (fire, etc); b) Any accident at the permit work area; and c) Permit conditions are violated.


Work Permit System-Code of Practices

12.1 HOD Safety

12.1.1 HOD safety shall arrange to train and validate all people involved in the signing of work permit procedures. The list of such people authorized to sign in the work permit should however be prepared by the individual plant HODs and area in charge. The final authorization shall be done by the respective plant HODs/area in charge as per format attached.

12.1.2 HOD safety shall also arrange to provide training and validating people identified as auditors of these procedures. The auditors will be from the plants or safety dept.

12.1.3 He shall provide necessary training material and develop procedures for validation and authorization of various signatories to the work permit in close coordination with plant HOD and area in charge.

12.1.4 He is responsible for periodic review and updating of work permit procedures.

Conclusion: - 
As per IS 17893 Work Permit System - Code of Practice 2023, now it is easier to use permit to work in any organization, this new permit system will reduce the conflicts against work permit, there are total seven types of permit to work.
You can download official code of practice and format of all permits by given link bellow.

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