Construction Work HIRA Pdf - Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment - Download

Construction Work HIRA Pdf - Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment - Download 

HIRA Safety 

Hazard identification and risk assessment is a system tool for risk assessment which can be use to assess the risk and hazard in work, HIRA helps to find the hazards and risk of any activity, it identify the existing control measures and also the requirement of additional control measures.

HIRA for construction work.
Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment. 

Purpose of Hazard identification and risk assessment - HIRA

  • To carry out systematic examination to identify the potential hazard.
  • To identify adequate control measures.
Construction Work HIRA Pdf 
Construction work HIRA Pdf Download

Steps for Hazard identification and risk assessment - HIRA

HIRA Pdf, HIRA Sample, HIRA Format, HIRA form

HIRA can be completed in Six steps: - 

1. Preparation:- 

Prepare a team for HIRA, gather the knowledge of the activity which you are going to assess, review previous HIRA and other relevant safety document and conduct a meeting for HIRA.

Hazard identification and risk assessment

2. Hazard Identification: -

Identify the potential hazard and risk in every activity.

HIRA pdf download

3. Risk assessment: -

Now assess the risk, Likelihood and consequences.

HIRA Sample

4. Plan control measures: -

Now decide on suitable and effective control measures.

Civil work hira sample

5. Keep Record:

Also write and keep record of risk assessment for further study.

Hazard identification and risk assessment

6. Implement and Review: -

Now implement all the control measures and review on regular basis for effectiveness of HIRA.

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